Karen Gottlieb
Harpist -- Harp Technician
'Lyon & Healy and Salvi Certified' Harp Technician

Professional Experience -- Reviews/Comments

Professional Harp Repair Experience:
Areas of service include Northern California, Reno, NV. Oregon, Washington and Idaho states. Additional service areas may be possible upon request.
Regular Clients include:
San Francisco Symphony
San Francisco Opera and San Francisco Ballet
San Jose Symphony
San Francisco Symphony Youth Orchestra
San Francisco Conservatory of Music
San Francisco State University
University of California at Berkeley & Davis
Stanford University, Stanford, CA.
University of Nevada, Reno
Mills College & Holy Names College, Oakland,
CAL POLY Humboldt University, Arcata, CA
Boise Philharmonic Orchestra, Boise, ID.
Spokane Symphony Orchestra, Spokane, WA.
Harps Etc. in Walnut Creek, CA.
Seattle Harp Arts, Edmonds, WA.
Western Washington University, Bellingham, WA.
Karen has also serviced the harps of the Mexico City Opera, Ballet, Symphony & Conservatory of Music as well as Baton Rouge, LA.In 2006, Karen was one of the designated harp technicians for the American Harp Society National Conference in San Francisco.
Comments - Reviews
"Thank you for your expertise. I've really enjoyed my practicing yesterday and today. What a difference!" – John
"Your visit yesterday transformed my whole relationship with my harps. Your expertise as a regulator and re-felting virtuoso was dazzling to behold." – Pam
"Thank you. My harp certainly does sound beautiful. I love how much easier the pedals are to move in particular." – Kristen
"Thanks again Karen. My harp sounds fantastic!" – Michael
"I want to express my thanks for the work you did. My harps are in wonderful shape and I can't stop playing them!" – Beverly
“What a joy to hear exact half notes when I changed the pedals. Believe or not, I am actually playing better. Even my husband noticed the difference. Thank you Karen. I will be back in a few years.” - Midori“
I was so happy with the wonderful work you did on the harp! It really sounded terrific. The time and effort you put into working on it is nothing that can be paid for!” - Doug
"Thanks so much for all your great work! Everyone is really happy with their harps! Hope you come back.” - Matt
“Thank you so much for your work. I'm happy!!!” - Naomi“You did such a wonderful job”. - Alison
"Thanks for taking care of my harp. It works great-no buzzes, squeaks, or other noises. It's really nice to have a technician of your caliber come every couple of years." - Jim
"Karen, thank you so much for the extreme effort and hard work you put into my cherished instrument." - Pam
"A million thanks for making this harp—and me!—sing. Now, I know the joy of playing the harp again" - Georgia
"My harp sounds and feels wonderful. You fixed all the issues I was worried about." - Mimi
"I played a while last night and there is a HUGE difference! Finally - it stays in tune when played in different keys. I'm very excited." - Wanda "Your work has revealed this harp to me. I have never been so happy to play. Thank you so much." - Ellie
"Thank you very much for rejuvenating my harp! It sounds amazing, and I am having so much fun with it." Joanne